Wednesday, June 3, 2009

An Experiment in Love and Responsibility That You can Do Right Now

Think of something you have struggled with in yourself—perhaps it’s your weight or your fear of speaking in public. Let your mind settle on this one thing so that you are clear about what it is. Now think of someone or something that you know for sure that you love. Perhaps it’s a certain loved one or anaction like riding your bike in the country on a sunny day. The only requirement is that you have reliably felt love in the presence of this person or thing. Let yourself feel that love in your body and mind right now. Now take a leap: Love that thing you have struggled with just as you love the person or thing that you know for sure you love. You may say, “But I hate it.”
All right, then love yourself for hating. Then love it. Greet it with loving acceptance. Now for the responsibility part of the experiment. Acknowledge yourself as the source and creator of the problem you have been focusing on. Let’s say you are focusing on your weight. Even if you come from thirteen generations of overweight ancestors, you can choose to take responsibilityfor your weight now. Responsibility begins the moment you take it. You don’t have to wait for anything to happen before you take responsibility

Culled from At The Speed of Light by Gay Hendricks